Upcountry Sentence Examples | Use Upcountry in a sentence

1.dialyzing the traveling appeal of taiwan to the Upcountry residents

2.the 40-mile drive Upcountry to the town of hatton took us two and a half hours.

3.breed breed to breed development from odd all along much assortment, breed area to expand from coastal, Upcountry and adjacent province.

4.i like going Upcountry , go to mountains, through rough grounds where there are full of grasses.

5.when i'm alone it is more like i drive to travel Upcountry and not a location survey trip.

6.this time, as a leader of yct member, i have to attend a variety of activities that involve with saving nature in bangkok and Upcountry.

7.below the condition that allows in space and pattern, also can hit this kind of similar groove by oneself, extend a space Upcountry .

8.of two horns turn round projectile angle to also want at least Upcountry 45 degrees of above.

9.because manufacturing benefit is very distinct, grow area by afore-mentioned area Upcountry province outspread.

10.compare and suggestion of architect and design institute with Upcountry and hongkong

11.i envied my friends who got a job in Upcountry or in the industrial estate after graduated.

12.second lie the area is larger, advance 1 meter Upcountry .

13.smooth open the door window: door casement leaves Upcountry or leave outwards.

14.car i think roads in bangkok are worse than that of Upcountry 's.

15.different fate between opening and obstruction: comparative research on development of morden Upcountry traditional political cities

16.the horn is ok appreciably ground is twisted Upcountry, should inspect try audition effect actually to decide.

17.china has a large area of saline, which strictly restrict the economical development in these areas, especially in the Upcountry. how to improve and utilize the salinized-soil becomes an important work of recovery and rebuild of environment in go-west campaign.