Undulating Sentence Examples | Use Undulating in a sentence

1.the terrain is mostly Undulating to somewhat flat. the land form being a well dissected terrace with some calcareous influence in lower layers. the sea floor of this continental shelf usually undulates gently, rising occasionally to the surface in offshore banks or island.

2.riding heavily-laden bikes through Undulating countryside in scorching temperatures without this luxury began to get us down.

3.the pattern on this fabric fragment, created in the ottoman empire during the16th century, features parallel Undulating vines adorned with leaves and flowers.

4.type genus of the family spirochaetaceae; flexible Undulating chiefly aquatic bacteria.

5.Undulating hills, fields, etc.

6.the sky o'er arches here, we feel the Undulating deck beneath our feet.

7.the surrounding landscape was dotted with delicate iris flowers highlighting the Undulating carpet of vetiver grasses.

8.you are like an Undulating billow warmed by the sun.

9.it rested in the lap of an Undulating upland adjoining the north wessex downs.

10.for the land analysis, they simulated the effects of wind farms by using data about how objects similar to turbines, such as Undulating hills and clumps of trees, affect surface roughness, or friction that can disturb wind flow.

11.this, in combination with aerodynamic Undulating, allows the snake to stay aloft.

12.george boehlert, a marine scientist and director of the center, looks out of his office at a field of Undulating sea grass.

13.the next day the sun rose white-hot above the ridgeline, turning the middle fork into an Undulating strand of emeralds.

14.she had an Undulating, but oftentimes a sharp and irregular movement.

15.we soon saw a field of wheat Undulating in the breeze.

16.silent Undulating waves of black, broke out on the horizon silent strength.

17.the Undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene.

18.but i saw many things i haven't seen before: Undulating silk lampshades in gorgeous, rich colors;

19.the Undulating movement of the surface of the open sea.

20.suddenly, the water seems to be waking up to that moment is slightly Undulating ink ripple vague, hazy on the horizon.

21.this destiny, this ocean beneath firmament, this infinite incessant Undulating comfort.

22.the Undulating hills are rich in mineral resources.

23.the herd started to move towards me in a slow, Undulating wave.

24.metres of quality wood in varying composition options form a gently Undulating wall and create an easy flowing space.

25.a hill or dale in Undulating country.

26.the sun sets down slowly along the endless Undulating mountains. the surging yellow river running past the tower flows seaward.

27.large edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head; swim by Undulating the edges of the pectoral fins.

28.the myelin was harder to see, a faintly Undulating fringe on the edge of the neurons.

29.su dike and bai dike are Undulating on the lake like two verdant ribbons.

30.they saw a glistening density of bayonets Undulating above the barricade.

31.floating above the park, four canopies create a series of outdoor rooms defined by Undulating green planes that reflects the park's corrugated topography.

32.otherwise, the month seems to have mostly and expansive energy with gentle, Undulating waves.

33.the eastern edge of the indo-australian plate holding new zealand and queensland appears to be almost Undulating as it tilts up.

34.type genus of treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an Undulating rigid body; parasitic in warm-blooded animals.

35.he watched, hypnotized, the Undulating stomach of the belly-dancer.

36.blot out the sun, appearing as black Undulating masses of unrecognizable blobs of darkness.

37.even the shower boasts the same sinuous curves in its shower column and Undulating glass enclosure in clear or with a color-tinted finish.

38.called la maison-vague, the Undulating wooden structure will be insulated with earth and carefully selected plants.

39.the field of wheat was Undulating in the breeze.