Undress Sentence Examples | Use Undress in a sentence

1.don't spritz him with that body spray from the commercial where the women Undress when they smell it. that doesn't work at all.

2.here she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking blankly around, and presently began to Undress.

3.then she wanted to take a shower, and wanted privacy while she did so, meaning that i could not Undress her, which i rather regretted.

4.sly. 'tis much. servants, leave me and her alone. exeunt servants madam, Undress you, and come now to bed.

5.i do not remember how i got home, but i do remember steerforth helping me to Undress and get into bed.

6."to Undress one of these women is like an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. "

7.let me help you Undress , dearest, " she said humbly. "

8."perhaps he is no longer in the coach, " he thought, as he rebuttoned the waistcoat of his Undress uniform.

9.he grumbled, as he covered his fire and began to Undress.

10.i liked her, so when she asked me if i would feel comfortable letting her Undress me, i said, "sure. "