Substantiality Sentence Examples | Use Substantiality in a sentence can the Substantiality of the objective world be transferred onto the flat painting surface;

2.what: it is a Substantiality, and a network, it is the core of cores in network.

3.this thesis focuses on the study of the interface between exterior spatial Substantiality of mountainous city and its space.

4.however, there widely exists a phenomenon of regarding Substantiality and depreciating procedure in the operation of police substations.

5.the Substantiality of additional accounting entity assumption has been broken through because of appearance of virtual corporation;

6.this is because matter, whose ultimate attribute is objective Substantiality, is objective, whereas practice is human beings active action.

7.the third is the amount and Substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.

8.objective: survey and comprehend the effect on people's viscera of Substantiality in high altitude hypoxia circumstances.

9.secondly, whether there is risk transferring should be based on commercial Substantiality.

10.two important sides of the ideal body lie on the youthfulness and Substantiality.

11.purpose: to improve the ct diagnostic accuracy of Substantiality abdomen viscera blunt trauma and to provide gist that were chosen for remedial plan in clinic.

12.obviously, the weaving of uttered words is an impossible task given the in Substantiality of breath and sound.

13.the vague contour of jay gatsby had filled out to the Substantiality of man.

14.the modern instructional environment consists of two factors: Substantiality and function character.

15.but Substantiality here seems to refer to substantial laws rather than relevant facts. analysis of Substantiality listing standard of chinese growth enterprise board

17.the values of educational legislation can compartmentalized to Substantiality values and process values.

18.his self is devoid of inner consistency, Substantiality and authenticity.

19.there exists the problem of " Substantiality overweighing process" or "result overweighing process" in chinese criminal procedure law.

20.if judgement is based on facts found through strengbeweis violation, it then must be corrected and remedied from both Substantiality and procedure dimension.

21.the value choice is related to the reality of Substantiality and the justice of procedure, also the balance between interest conflicts and crime control, the realization of the criminal lawsuit aim. should follow corresponding condition of Substantiality and formality when the manuscripts enter the fast passage. is necessary to reasonably define what constitutes the "Substantiality" of information.

24.the vague contour of jay gatsby had filled out to the Substantiality of a man.

25."if not necessary, the Substantiality will not be added"& applying "occam razor" to explain "training principles" of zhang hongtan;

26.Substantiality is the absolute form activity and the power of necessity: all content is but a vanishing element which merely belongs to this position, where there is an absolute revulsion of form and content into one another.

27.on the formality and Substantiality of legal procedure

28.or else dialectic has been called in for the purpose of interpreting the Substantiality of the subject ontologically.

29.the traditional psychology presumes that "self" exists as a spiritual Substantiality , then a behavior is decided by trait.

30.Substantiality listing standard is different depending on countries and regions.

31.he was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of jay gatsby had filled out to the Substantiality of a man.

32.Substantiality and formality are two criteria required in the judgment of independent guarantee.

33.the standards of good law consist of two aspects: standards in form and standards in Substantiality.

34.we should keep the phenomenological attitude to the Substantiality of meanings, as well as the Substantiality of matters. light of the understanding to knowledge characteristics and research focus, this paper categorizes knowledge management theories into four schools: engineering school, process school, Substantiality school and system school.

36.three-dimensional dsa imaging can show clear vascular anatomy and strong sense of Substantiality.