Pursued Sentence Examples | Use Pursued in a sentence
1.and, even if he had Pursued a lower profile strategy, the west london free school would still have been a target.
2.i Pursued after the robber, but finally lost sight of him around the corner.
3.since the beginning of syrian unrest, we have intensely Pursued targeted financial measures to increase pressure on the syrian regime.
4.we have always Pursued a friendly policy towards the japanese people.
5.last year, we Pursued creative thinking and methods in exercising macro-control and gained new experience in this regard.
6.he'd snuck out of america hotly Pursued by the cia.
7.we have Pursued and exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.
8.there is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be Pursued.
9.he Pursued a career in medicine
10.for both schools, the visit was an introduction to the project, which will be Pursued for a year.
11.the re was a lot of noise of men shouting and dogs barking, as the servants from the house Pursued the robbers across the fields.
12.he Pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.
13.don't you remember? hell, you Pursued me.
14.so we Pursued it and at least as commerce defines it we caught it.
15.this is a policy we have Pursued consistently.
16.the enemy were Pursued for two miles
17.hotly Pursued by the police, the criminal found no refuge.
18.it has also Pursued flexible and prudent economic policies, and ensured they are targeted and sustainable.
19.in short, what's good for china is not necessarily good for profit growth, at least if rebalancing is to be Pursued seriously.
20.and when she considered how much of the truth was unknown to him, she believed she had no right to wonder at the line of conduct he Pursued.
21.she Pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.
22.but a definitive decision on the form of struggle to be Pursued had not yet been made.
23.he Pursued beauty all his life, trying to approach it, with a price.
24.when Pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed
25.mr. menendez has aggressively Pursued new business.
26.if they had Pursued such policies, they would almost all be members by now.
27.he reversed a policy he had Pursued for six years.
28.french and austrian armies Pursued him. he succeeded in 'evading them.
29.his spokesman said the president had commended the dalai lama's commitment to non-violence and he has Pursued a dialogue with china.
30.the icelandic government has Pursued the politics of social and economic inclusion.
31.poland and czechoslovakia have vigorously Pursued admission to the european community
32.unrelentingly he Pursued his course of evil.
33.the organization has Pursued a commendable policy on combating racism and religious intolerance.
34.where and when these roles participate depends partly on the enterprise's process and the organization template Pursued.
35.when she was lost to his view, he Pursued his homeward way, glancing up sometimes at the sky, where the clouds were sailing fast and wildly.
36.i have Pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them; and turned not again until i had consumed them.
37.in this situation alternative sources of technical support, knowledge and training must be Pursued.
38.this time, switzerland has Pursued the same policies in reverse order.
39.she Pursued an acting career after four years of modelling.
40.gardiner has Pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music
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