Pursue Sentence Examples | Use Pursue in a sentence

1.the paparazzi Pursue armani wherever he travels.

2.the woman who is brave enough to Pursue her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride.

3.davies has managed to Pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career

4.the government will be free to Pursue its economic policies

5.mr. menendez has aggressively Pursued new business.

6.the money he made from these extracurricular activities enabled him to Pursue other ventures.

7.after university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to Pursue

8.with power and to spare we must Pursue the tottering foe.

9.they expressed the hope that he would Pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.

10.they are showing a marked disinclination to Pursue these opportunities.

11.as she wishes to Pursue a number of different activities in the uk hsmp is for her.

12.second, doing this type of work reduces you to a monkey, and although some of your work may be like this to pay the bills, why purposely Pursue it?

13.some parents participating in the fuxin no. 2 school suit said they faced pressure from local authorities not to Pursue the matter.

14.his deal with disney will run out shortly, freeing him to Pursue his own project

15.freedom to Pursue extracurricular activities is totally unrestricted

16.the president said that he wanted to give states more leeway to Pursue their own health-care reforms.

17.i will learn more than i can do to Pursue a bright future. life is only once for everyone. don't loss it in wasting your life.

18.this is my life and the artistic Pursue!

19.her reason was that math was something she was good at but probably wouldn't Pursue on her own, as she would literature or home economics.

20.if not openly, will be counted as breaches of discipline, we must Pursue the matter and the responsibility of the unit leadership.

21.if your original request is denied, don't be afraid to Pursue the matter.

22.the president will Pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected

23.it became harder for women married to diplomats to Pursue their own interests

24.students may Pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.

25.she had come to england to Pursue an acting career.

26.eventually, the author, doug lea, decided to Pursue making it a standard part of the java platform as jsr-166.

27.as the price tends to be fixed, cutting down the cost is the only way for coal enterprises to Pursue the maximization of economic benefits.

28.the implication seems to be that it is impossible to Pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously

29.we Pursue the enemy if they retreat.

30.how much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to Pursue this investigation?

31.the stag at bay is a dangerous foe.; don't Pursue a beaten enemy.

32.she Pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.

33.they Pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.

34.that would give it a majority in both chambers, and hence greater freedom to Pursue its own agenda.

35.only by continous efforts to put a full stop into a comma and to Pursue your goal can a perfect full stop be waiting for you in the front.

36.he said japan would continue to Pursue the policies laid down at the london summit

37.he will Pursue the national interest, regional and global power, protectionism and mercantilism.

38.there is another avenue to Pursue — it involves further negotiations.

39.they make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they Pursue their own interests.

40.you might be able to Pursue it within your current job, or do it as a side job or just as a hobby at first.