Pursed Sentence Examples | Use Pursed in a sentence

1.hearing this at the white house, obama Pursed his lips, and said solemnly, to no one in particular, "we got him. "

2.she Pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows.

3.je: it was during this extended car chase where we're being Pursed by the cops.

4.she looked from macphail to his wife, standing helplessly in different parts of the room, like lost souls, and she Pursed her lips.

5.she Pursed her lips in a smile and giggled.

6.he Pursed his lips in distaste.

7.he Pursed his lips and remained silent.

8.'shall i get liz for you?'ernest picked up the phone, one eyebrow cocked, his mouth slightly Pursed.

9.little mouth was Pursed up tight.

10.she Pursed her lips and spoke hopefully.

11.the effect of Pursed lip inspiration and inspiratory sniffing on mean arterial pressure depended upon accompanying hyperventilation.

12.breathe out through Pursed lips as if you were whistling.

13.but she said she had to face all these and try to be strong to Pursed her dream.

14.she Pursed the goal of perfection in her art.

15.mrs. dursley sipped her tea through Pursed lips.

16.she Pursed up her lips in disapproval. or wolf tail were not complimentary.

17.he Pursed his mouth tight, and watched.

18.at which his mother merely Pursed her lips under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.

19.kobe bryant narrowed his eyes and Pursed his lips during monday night's postgame news conference.

20.neatly stylized pastels make way for fleshy peach tones, cherry Pursed lips, and almond glazed eyes.

21.her lips were Pursed, and she was ready to let him have it.

22.the superintendent frowned. the principal Pursed his lips. on their way out, the principal said the superintendent would like to see me.

23.the man now hovered behind us, his full lips Pursed around a toothpick.

24.the robber snatched the Pursed out of the woman's hands.

25.his lips were Pursed, his head held high, his olympian gaze stony.

26.this was my weapon that nobody knew of, not even mother, even though she had Pursed her lips up at the beans.

27.she Pursed her lips in disapproval.

28.now the furrowed brow, saggy cheeks and Pursed lips have gone.

29.the girl Pursed up her lips and frowned.

30.mother looked at me oddly, Pursed her lips and offered me more rice.

31.inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale quickly and forcibly, also through your nose ( or Pursed lips).

32.she Pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news

33.the man gazed at a spot on the wall over tom's head, screwed up his eyes and Pursed up his lips.

34.breathe out through Pursed lips as if you were whistling. feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.

35.'shall i get liz for you? ' ernest picked up the phone, one eyebrow cocked , his mouth slightly Pursed.

36."then why is your mouth all Pursed up in that ridiculous way?"

37."oh, " the dad said, nodding his head, lips Pursed, as feigning that he had a clue about what he just heard.

38.interlacing his trajectory within his disgruntled face, the struggles of his life appear in silence with tightly Pursed lips shadowed by the solemn blue, conceivably more like a tranquil phantom;