Purr Sentence Examples | Use Purr in a sentence
1.as a first time cat owner, i had no idea what the Purr meant, and only half-laughingly stared at her taking the best spot on the bed.
2.blooming, my heart beating, the Purr of a cat, the internet.
3.mccomb suggests that the Purr-cry may subtly take advantage of humans' sensitivity to cries they associate with nurturing offspring.
4.young cats Purr in a monotone, while older ones do so in two to three resonant notes.
5.the ragged, strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten's Purr.
6.pamper him nicely, and he'll Purr. right?
7.stroke the cat to make it Purr then click on the cinderella.
8.the throb of a bus engine, driving over speed bumps, the Purr of a lawn mower, even the rhythmic motion of a photocopier!
9.what makes the Purr distinctive from other cat vocalizations is that it is produced during the entire respiratory cycle ( inhaling and exhaling).
10.hearing the Purr of a car engine, i would feel very happy.
11.i heard the gentle Purr of an engine outside the house.
12.when interacting with her clubs, cheetah mothers Purr, just like domestic cats.
13.the cat ran to the barn, it was quiet. "meow" said the cat, "this is just right for me! " the kittens went Purr-Purr-Purring.
14.or the wretched little mess of a kitten you just saved from drowning begins to Purr in your arms.
15.but cats also Purr when they need to self-calm or while nursing a litter; however, your cat saves the special full-bodied rumble as a smile directed to you. it is her way of saying, i love you.
16.no doubt this has helped the celtic tiger Purr again.
17.'you can tell me the truth,' she Purred.
18.to err is human, to Purr is feline.
19.i could hear the gentle Purr of a movie projector.
20.they learn to dramatically exaggerate this cry embedded within the Purr because it proves effective in getting their owner to respond.
21.both boats Purred out of the cave mouth and into open water
22.albert is a real sweetheart-when he is petted he has a loud Purr, but it's definitely on his terms.
23.it could Purr along like any luxury car or, at a press of the ubiquitous sport button, growl loudly as you disappear down the road.
24.then he retracted them, settled into my embrace and began to Purr.
25.see that you lay eggs and learn to Purr or give out sparks.
26.each thread has its own Purr.
27.let's go see if we can make this little kitty Purr.
28.the carts in the street Purr slow, distinct sounds in seeming accord with my drowsiness.
29.the eat gave a short Purr and hallam stroked its head.
30.these spiders can Purr
31.growl and Purr, if you like.
32.among the large cats, the cheetah is the only one with a true Purr.
33.the plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was Purring enthusiastically.
34.turning on the Purr power this steady, rhythmic sound emitted when your cat inhales and exhales is often associated with contentment.
35.i can roll a ball and i can Purr.
36.the rolls royce Purred down the country road.
37.when i stroked the cat, it gave a low Purr.
38.also, including the cry within the Purr could make the sound "less harmonic and thus more difficult to habituate to, " she said.
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