Postural Sentence Examples | Use Postural in a sentence

1.there were no observation on the Postural hypotension, the serious adverse reactions and changes of the laboratory examinations.

2."people seem to be capable of mimicking others' facial, vocal, and Postural expressions with stunning rapidity" , hatfield said.

3.parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder characterized by rest tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity and Postural instability.

4.low-grade albuminuria and subclinical target organ damage in essential hypertensive patients hypertension and Postural hypotension should be prevented.

5.important history includes palpitation, duration of prodrome and recovery, and presence of Postural or exertional symptoms.

6.your body feels light ( you can't feel Postural muscles) and poised for action, perfectly balanced.

7.any client with impaired mobility is at risk of developing contractures, Postural abnormalities, and pressure sores.

8.effects of Postural change on tidal breathing parameters in wheezing infants

9.when you use Postural muscles, rather than phasic muscles, you will naturally produce whole body movement. could then also use the 'balancing' ability of Postural muscles to effortlessly counteract any sudden change of direction.

11.children can develop bad Postural habits from quite an early age.

12.methods Postural reactions of14 young people and14 older people as subjects were evoked by sudden unpredictable mediolateral translation platform. is the facial expressions, body posture, limb movements and Postural changes in a variety of symbolic images.

14.evaluation of Postural balance was also similar between the groups.

15.a malfunction in the muscles of mastication or the temporomandibular joint can lead to Postural difficulties through a descending route.

16.effect of massed practice training on anticipatory Postural adjustments in children with cerebral palsy: case report.

17.the Postural stability and fatigue degree of locomotive drivers are measured and evaluated.

18.when treating clients with balance deficits, occupational therapists often ignore the cognitive component of Postural control.

19.chest percussion and vibration are used with Postural drainage to help dislodge secretions.

20.objective to evaluate the clinical effect of Postural reduction and bracing on thoracolumbar fractures without neurological deficit.

21.some trunk movement can be noted also in throwing for Postural correction, but throwing motions are mostly from the arm.

22.analysis of high risk factors for biliary tract complication following liver transplantation hypertension and Postural hypotension should be prevented.

23.for example when we ride a bicycle, we keep our balance by the use of Postural muscles.

24.all patients were given careful and considerate nursing care psychologically and performed Postural training properly before procedures.

25.clinical study of associated manual rotation of fetal head with Postural change on the modification of persistent occiput posterior position

26.clinical analysis of Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

27.various speech therapy approaches are relaxation, Postural rehabilitation, respiration, phonation, articulation and prosodic re-education.

28.but what is the relevance of Postural muscles to taijiquan?

29.cervical kyphosis may represent the most disabling of these imbalances, for it can cause pain, Postural difficulties, or neurologic deficit.

30.individualized Postural education that addresses all Postural stresses that the patient encounters in the course or the day.

31.observation of the effects of exercise and Postural intervention within 6 hours after cesarean section

32.the aim of the present study was to determine the interaction of specific auditory frequencies and vision on Postural sway behaviour.

33.with space-occupying lesions, the following may occur: headache on awakening or at night, fluctuation of headache with Postural changes, and nausea and vomiting.

34.the key to the development of normal movement is a child's Postural tone.

35.hypertension and Postural hypotension should be prevented. studied the low temperature sensitivity coefficient ( ltsc) effect on high-energy nitroamine propellant throgh the termination experiment, closed bomb experiment and interior ballistic experiment. could then also use the'balancing'ability of Postural muscles to effortlessly counteract any sudden change of direction.

37.influence of Postural change on intraocular pressure of normal and primary open-angle glaucoma eyes

38.research progress on Postural nursing intervention for patients with ventilator associated pneumonia

39.effect of canalith repositioning procedure on the Postural stability in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo