Physicist Sentence Examples | Use Physicist in a sentence
1.leonard grew up to be an experimental Physicist. perhaps if she'd also denied him christmas, he'd be a little better at it.
2.i think he's a Physicist or something of that nature.
3.graham grew up outside of pittsburgh, where his father, a Physicist, designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised graham and his sister.
4.subsequently, mathematicians proved the point in theory and the Physicist huygens invented the pendulum clock on the basis of this theory.
5.people afraid of the dark, the eminent british theoretical Physicist stephen hawking said in an interview published on monday.
6.da: a Physicist will tell me that this armchair is made of vibrations and that it's not really here at all.
7.after receiving a bachelor's degree, however, he decided, with typical modesty, that he was "not smart enough to be a Physicist" .
8.at least one Physicist, though, thinks there is nothing meta about the question at all.
9.after all, how much molecular biology will even the average condensed-matter Physicist understand?
10.my undergraduate experience convinced me that i was not smart enough to be a Physicist, and that computers were quite neat.
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