Paca Sentence Examples | Use Paca in a sentence

1.a panel acoustics contribution analysis ( Paca) is done to determine the structural areas of the cab contribution most to the noise levels at the drivers left ear.

2.provence is a province of empire of roman, short for Paca in english.

3.research of post logistic vrp with multi-objective based on Paca

4.the main platform of Paca comprises pamirs international poetry exchange center and pamirs arts center.

5.responsible for Paca project management;

6.a method for implementing priority access of Paca users includes: makes classification for users;

7.he showed nearly normal semantic system in word auditory comprehension and synonym judgment tests in Paca;

8.patterned anisotropic conductive adhesive (Paca)

9.the panel acoustic contribution analysis ( Paca) is done to determine the vehicle body panels of the vehicle passenger compartment contributing most to the noise levels at the drive's right ear.

10.expression of exogenous recombinant protein Paca/ ctb and pacp/ ctb in one transgenic tomato plant with different mature fruits at the same time has significant difference.