Obscuration Sentence Examples | Use Obscuration in a sentence

1.in many cases, owning to Obscuration by the dust, the properties of the central star are uncertain or impossible to determine.

2.because of the coupling that exists in Obscuration interferogram fitted with zernike circle polynomials, the seidel aberrations computed with zernike coefficients will be inaccurate.

3.smoke Obscuration test for electronic and electrical products

4.determination on the Obscuration of prepolymer average particle size

5.the result shows that the coupling efficiency is affected by the Obscuration ratio, the aperture size and the fiber mode field radius.

6.long poem Obscuration, my whole life's theme was selected in the the opening issue of culture and moral.

7.the writer thinks that much the same as the development of human beings from barbarism to civilization and from Obscuration to science, the evidence system has also been developing from divinity evidence system to legal evidence system, and then to inner conviction system.

8.the article employs sublation to resurvey the theory of chinese traditional humanity and then points out: Obscuration, superstition and godship and class 'limitation are worth being animadverted on and should be abandoned because of contradicting facts;

9.( 4) pelvic edema: thickening of uterosacral ligaments, haziness of pelvic fat and Obscuration of the pelvic floor fascial planes.

10.based on the theory of diffraction, we push over the fraunhofer and fresnel diffraction of Obscuration.

11.occultation complete or partial Obscuration of an astronomical object by the moon or a planet.

12.the Obscuration jamming of high prf pulses based on jointly controlled in the domains of time, space and frequency is presented in this paper.

13.light Obscuration smoke detection line-type smoke detector

14.allis perfect from the beginning, essence of diamond, free of Obscuration.

15.Obscuration of the lentiform nucleus;

16.smoke Obscuration test is applied to measure and assess the potential hazard due to the Obscuration of smoke.

17.the advanced nature of the european renaissance exists not only in new thoughts, new cultures, the opposition to feudalism and theological Obscuration, but also in the advanced culture of people first.

18.the fire behavior and characteristics such as temperature field and distribution of Obscuration are influenced by the ventilation situation.

19.in 1994, long poem Obscuration, my whole life's theme(selection) was selected in the autumn & winter volume of modern chinese.

20.through our practice, the application of method and wisdom eliminates Obscuration and finally enables us to achieve results.

21.this paper presents the measurement principles and calibration methods of two kinds of liquid-borne particle counters ( light Obscuration particle counter and light scattering particle counter).

22.the buddhas or tathagatas abandon every possible fault or Obscuration and then, through their great realizations, achieve the pure vision.

23.after 8 years'work, finished the revision of the poem Obscuration, my whole life's theme.

24.choose off-axis catadioptric optical system to satisfy the request of low cost, without Obscuration and simple- compact configuration.

25.signature control can be accomplished with a variety of methods such as Obscuration, surface appliques, shape tailoring, active cooling and integrated designs.

26.determination of particle size distribution of yttrium oxide and europium oxide by sedimentation and light Obscuration method

27.haze; Obscuration of the sky by a wide dispersion of smoke or dust particles in the air .

28.application of igu ephemeris to mountain-based gps Obscuration prediction

29.effect of central Obscuration interferograms fitted with zernike circle polynomials on calculating seidel aberrations

30.the subspace projection in interference suppression of gnss radio Obscuration atmosphere detection system

31.because the diameter is large and the focal length is long, this kind of collimator mostly uses reflective system, but usually this kind of system always has central Obscuration. to avoid this situation, the off-axis parabolic mirror is the most easy way to use.

32.on the basis of the requirement for earthquake monitoring and gps Obscuration observation technology, an electromagnetic satellite constellation is designed by figure simulation and genetic algorithms.