Merit Sentence Examples | Use Merit in a sentence

1.your feature has the Merit of simply stating what has been achieved.

2.being diligent is her best Merit.

3.he said he had done nothing wrong to Merit a criminal investigation

4.dye printing towel Merit artistic, variety more changeable, after the shortcoming washes the variety to be easy to draw back.

5.such ideas Merit careful consideration.

6.southeast university law school professor zhang malin that Merit, rio tinto and bhp billiton have long to realize that this point.

7.there is great Merit in dealing fairly with your employees.

8.we were very fortunate to be able to work with her, so how could we not try our best and thus waste the Merit that god had bestowed on us?

9.history affords us lessons that Merit attention.

10.the argument seemed to have considerable Merit

11.the chief criminals shall be punished without fail, those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of Merit shall be rewarded.

12.his time in america, he says, reinforced his strong belief in free enterprise his strong belief in free enterprise, in the rule of law and in the value of rewarding Merit. was obvious that, whatever its Merits, their work would never be used.

14.those who perform deeds of Merit shall be rewarded.

15.his Merit will get its reward.

16.for his dedication the mayor awarded him a medal of Merit.

17.this new car has the Merit of low energy consumption.

18.surely such weighty matters Merit a higher level of debate?

19.there is greater Merit in saving one life than in building a seven-tier pagoda.

20.his birth, background and career show that you can make it in this country on Merit alone.

21.the picture shows much artistic Merit.

22.they have been persuaded of the Merits of peace.

23.speaking in moscow, jeremy huck, president of bp russia, said the company believed the actions were "without Merit" .

24.he reached his present senior position through sheer Merit.

25.she wants to find a job on her own Merit instead of through her guanxi.

26.everybody is selected on Merit

27.he should be given credit for hard work, if not for Merit.

28.the conception and Merit and fabrication method of composite configuration operation material in solid state lasers is introduced.

29.each case is judged on its Merits.

30.civil society "is stronger in egypt than i had known, " and its long-standing and "articulated set of institutions" Merit support, she said.

31.imperial college london on the 24th june said it had a high proportion of foreign students as it chose on "Merit" rather than nationality.

32.but the republicans seem to have gone furthest in subordinating considerations of competence and Merit to pro-life purity.

33.he just did his job in a matter-of-fact way and was not to be interested in gaining Merit, but only in avoiding making mistakes. success mattered more than artistic Merit

35.the subject may Merit a brief explanatory note.

36.people have a certain kind of "Merit" in mind when they speak glowingly of a Meritocracy, and that kind of Merit tends to run in the family.

37.during the campaign, barack obama said he would consider an overhaul or "complete repeal" of the Merit pay system.

38.those who have gained Merit will be rewarded.

39.people should be nominated for award based on real and not inflated Merit.

40.i derive from it a gratification which those who are conscious of having done all that they could to Merit it can alone feel.