Manikin Sentence Examples | Use Manikin in a sentence the movable heated Manikin, the heat resistance distribution laws of a multi-layers clothing ensemble are studied.

2.characteristic equation and stability determination of sweating Manikin the movable heated Manikin, the laws of clothing heat resistance influenced by wearing poses are studied.

4.the mechanism and development of the copper Manikin was reported and the application of the copper Manikin to the clothing test was also discussed in this paper.

5.a study on the regional development strategy with the use of Manikin

6.leach demonstrated high-tech, anatomically correct Manikin babies that are revolutionizing domestic science curricula in the us. on the thermal Manikin's temperature control system

8.where is the miniskirt displayed on the Manikin?

9.after looking at each photo, the participants would point to a Manikin that represented their emotional reaction.

10.a sweating Manikin is developed for measuring heat and moisture transfer property of clothing.

11.the h-point Manikin is one of tools for body layout design. of the wear testing by thermal Manikin

13.according to chinese anthropometry data and ergonomics knowledge, a general 3d parametric chinese Manikin was built. of inner heat loss rate of thermal Manikin

15.the paper discusses design requirements from the perspective of Manikin engineering. this paper, several evaluation indices of thermal environment based on thermal Manikin are introduced, the advantage of measuring wet bulb globe temperature by means of thermal Manikin is presented, the calculating formula of each index and simple analyses are given. would take part in a important role in its application. the paper described general structure of the thermal Manikin and the main structure of the thermal Manikin's temperature control system.

18.evaluation indices of thermal environment based on thermal Manikin

19.the relations among the normal objective test, the Manikin test and the subjective wear test are discussed.

20.a numerical solution of the heat transfer model of flame Manikin testing system

21.development actuality and research trend of thermal Manikin

22.rebuilding motion simulation of virtual Manikin in vrml

23.experimental study on thermal protection performance of "feitian" eva spacesuit based on thermal Manikin metabolic simulation method the establishment of three-dimensional model, the use of the Manikin module of pro/ engineer software simulation validation of the man-machine system analysis to design in human-machine systematics research advantages and disadvantages.

25.ergonomic product design driven by parametric Manikin the clothing Manikin limited company is one authorizes the registration by the national related department the enterprise.

27.specification for a Manikin for simulated in-situ airbone acoustic measurements exhibiting the silhouette of a parisian Manikin in the flask, it is creditably the hottest design.

29.temperature control system of thermal Manikin based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy control

30.the applications of layer in Manikin design, material design, style design, and simulation in solid fitting are analyzed. of Manikin for auto-body design

32.i am a giant of speech and Manikin of behavior. and application of program-control dc power for thermal Manikin

34.this paper introduces the application of the expert system in measuring the thermal resistance of clothing& thermal Manikin system.