Lumping Sentence Examples | Use Lumping in a sentence

1.based on the data of residual oil hds reaction in pilot plant, the Lumping kinetic of residual oil hds reaction was researched by means of prior simulation.

2.Lumping such a wide range of outdoor activities under the same heading makes no sense. and it will only leave mr. solomon alone, a voice crying in the wilderness.

3.discussion on Lumping during drying of compound electric particle

4.general kinetic Lumping strategies suitable for wastewater treatment applications also have been proposed. with some practical examples some typical kinetic Lumping models and its application on study of wet oxidation of wastewater have been analyzed, and modification of models has also been discussed., if you try to think about them by Lumping them together, you are guaranteed to come to foolish conclusions.

6.there is always severe Lumping phenomenon during the ageing stage of the sintered ceramic abrasives forming materials.

7.based on three Lumping kinetic model of catalytic cracking, the parameters in the model are estimated with actual operation data of a commercial catalytic cracking riser.

8.not long ago us officials derided canada as a haven for movie piracy, Lumping it alongside copyright scofflaw china.

9.the process and Lumping kinetic analysis for residuum catalytic hydrocracking

10.stir the sauce to prevent it Lumping. cook said apple did not form the category based on expectations and admitted he was Lumping the watch in with other products for competitive purposes.

12.Lumping access controls like this creates a problem because an exploited program inherits the access controls of the user.

13.the catalytic naphtha reforming process was then studied by analysing the 17 typical components. Lumping schemes with different λ levels were obtained. an effective method in kinetics analysis of complex reaction system, the theory and application of Lumping are reported tremendously.

15.similarly, retail sales figures up 16.2 per cent are not a useful proxy for household consumption as they basically track shipments to retailers, Lumping in all kinds of government and corporate spending.

16.portuguese officials insist the crisis isn't justified, and that the markets are Lumping their country with greece and ireland unfairly. bush is rightly criticised for Lumping together as "terrorists" anyone who takes up arms against america or its allies.

18.according to Lumping theory, a six-lump kinetic model was proposed and its mathematic expression was also given.

19.i got the impression that, if it were up to him, he wouldn't have minded Lumping them with his japanese enemies.

20.Lumping kinetic model for catalytic isomerization-intermolecular hydrogen transfer of turpentine study on dynamic characteristics of a centrifugal impeller-rotor with pedestal looseness and lateral fluid force

21.her coffee came in a clear glass that rattled against its saucer, condensed milk Lumping at the bottom. critics are Lumping the fed's policy, known as quantitative easing, into the same category.

23.certainly, the national bureau of statistics 'cpi basket looks like no other, Lumping together items such as recreation and education along with cultural articles and services.

24.Lumping them together therefore impedes analysis.

25.the catalytic cracking and the catalytic stream reforming of naphtha are acted as examples to illustrate the application of discrete Lumping and continuum Lumping in the kinetics analysis of complex reaction system.

26.second section, the systematic feature of open society was expounded in the Lumping.

27.and while this is not mr o'neill's fault, the growing habit of Lumping the brics together into a geopolitical bloc makes even less sense.

28.when someone lumps several component parts of an exercise together and then tries to train all these parts at one time he is Lumping the exercise.

29.therefore, Lumping them together, as is done in standard financial statements, impedes analysis.

30.they're Lumping together all of these children.

31.the low-humidity atmosphere keeps the sugar from Lumping.

32.i mean, i'm sort of Lumping them all together, so feel free to break one off if you want.

33.i'm your daughter Lumping me in with everyone else to hear the news?

34.a Lumping method is proposed for discrete reaction system.

35.but Lumping all ownership restrictions into the same category as out-and-out trade protectionism the blocking of cross-border flows of goods and services overstates the problem.

36.research on Lumping kinetics models for cracking of hydrocracker tail oil

37.i'm your daughter. Lumping me in with everyone eise to hear the news?