Lexicographic Sentence Examples | Use Lexicographic in a sentence

1.Lexicographic searching can cause issues when looking for numbered data ( including dates), but all is not lost.

2.then we establish the structure of such ordered semigroups in terms of the cartesian ordered semidirect product and the Lexicographic ordered semidirect product.

3.otherwise the slices are ordered by Lexicographic ordering of their identifiers (which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).

4.i'll use another back-to-the-races example to demonstrate one of the more unusual facets of this powerful, cloud-based datastore: Lexicographic searching.

5.application of Lexicographic method to optimal synthesis of feed mechanism in an industrial sewing machine

6.Lexicographic order is imposed on the namespace declarations and attributes of each element.

7.for a graph g_1 composed of nontrivial components and a graph g_2 of order at least 3, the Lexicographic product of g_1 and g_2 admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow.

8.the pragmatic meanings of english words are the deductive meanings based on the Lexicographic meanings.

9.however, in other locales, the order of characters in the character set may differ from the Lexicographic character order.

10.weighting coefficient optimization unification of Lexicographic method in fuzzy multi - objective optimization design

11.this paper develops zhu-liu algorithm [ 1] to the minimum spanning arborescence with bi-weight and deduce and polynominal algorithm with o ( mn) complexity using Lexicographic order.

12.in this article, we study the restricted edge connectivity of strong product and Lexicographic product of regular graphs.

13.this paper proposes a nonlinear restrained multiple objective program optimization model to solve the problem of optimization design for e type power transformer. it also puts forward the appropriate procedures and formulae of structure design, and the Lexicographic multiple objective variable polyhedron optimization by phases.

14.expert-knowledge-based Lexicographic order optimal decision method and its industrial application

15.rather than just providing the Lexicographic information; this study attempts to make a multi-media base dictionary of shsl.

16.the algorithm produces all possible secondary structures in Lexicographic order by maximizing base pairing.

17.it is proved that: ( 1) the cartesian product, the Lexicographic product and the strong direct product in the products of connected graphs, are the path-positive graphs.

18.the endomorphism monoids of the generalized Lexicographic product of graphs

19.hence, though the natural ordering of slices had "mary" from the first slice, it is "bill" who appears first in the resulting list due to Lexicographic ordering on their names.

20.is it a felony of Lexicographic fecklessness or merely a misdemeanor of misunderstood motives?

21.otherwise the slices are ordered by Lexicographic ordering of their identifiers ( which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).

22.compared with the presented polynomial order and Lexicographic path order which is difficult to realize automatization or needs much more rules, we give the vector order that based on standardization and vector.

23.in this way, the recursive calculation for solving Lexicographic order multiobject and multistage decision problem is transformed to a multistage jar matrix computation.

24.pragmatic meaning and Lexicographic meaning: differences and relevance

25.weighting coefficient optimization unification of Lexicographic method in fuzzy multi-objective optimization design

26.a new algorithm for generating a list of all 2-ary huffman sequences of a given length n is presented, which can output huffman sequences in reverse Lexicographic order. the algorithm is simple and easy to implement.

27.Lexicographic order and its application in testing the randomness of des s-boxes

28.the laplacian spectrum and kirchhoff index of product and Lexicographic product of graphs

29.Lexicographic searching can cause issues when looking for numbered data (including dates), but all is not lost.

30.the endomorphism monoids of the Lexicographic product of two graphs

31.unretractive property of generalized Lexicographic product of graphs

32.the filenames starting with decimal digits are sorted in Lexicographic order and used as additional configuration files.

33.with a little foresight, it's not hard to overcome what might seem like a limiting factor of Lexicographic searches.

34.sorted binary tree is a method used to organize data type using Lexicographic binary tree.

35.to help in the conceptual aspect of the search, the students could have used knowledge tools such as an encyclopedia and Lexicographic aids.

36.after analyzing the disequilibrium of web flow distribution and the weakness of current url hash algorithms, a url dispatch algorithm called locep was proposed based on the url Lexicographic ordering and content evenly partitioning.

37.Lexicographic product of matrices and algebras

38.the differences and relevance between them indicate that pragmatic meaning can and can only be incorporated into Lexicographic meaning to a certain degree, and this has important implications for dictionary compiling.