Legislation Sentence Examples | Use Legislation in a sentence

1.eight senators sponsored Legislation to stop the military funding.

2.Legislation is the only route to ending the car's dominance as a form of transport.

3.wit wolzek claimed the Legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty

4.bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax Legislation.

5.Legislation will require uk petrol companies to meet an eu specification for petrol.

6.proposed Legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.

7.the new industrial relations Legislation curbed the power of the unions.

8.there have been threats to veto any Legislation that comes down the pike.

9.yet they seem ready to push this Legislation as a way to block offshore drilling while appearing to be in favor of it.

10.it is a highly complex piece of Legislation.

11.similar Legislation is already in place in wales

12.the Legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise.

13.this Legislation is inconsistent with what they call free trade

14.Legislation is only part of the answer.

15.in 1987, garcia introduced Legislation to nationalize peru's banking and financial systems

16.long before any voting, two or more drafts of Legislation circulate, all trying to address the same problem.

17.they are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by Legislation.

18.before that, he was an architect of Legislation creating tax incentives and a lending facility for small businesses.

19.the Legislation was drafted by house democrats.

20.make a general observation of every country Legislation , they all look on drug kind and quantity as main measurement of penalty basis.

21.unintelligible Legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.

22.tories cocked a snook at their prime minister over this Legislation.

23.the government will bring forward several proposals for Legislation.

24.he gave his assent to the proposed Legislation

25.mr paulson said he would work with congress to pass the required Legislation "over the next week" .

26.in the us, "sexual harassment" Legislation with a strong anti-male bias has had a great influence on us sexual culture.

27.first, they said, the stimulus, as well as the fiscal 2009 budget Legislation, may not provide the psychological boost the economy needs.

28.all that she had to say was, "i have today taken advantage of this new Legislation. " and scene.

29.the republic's Legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.

30.he said he expects financial reform Legislation to be approved early next year, adding that the company valued s&p's business potential.

31.the Legislation is expected to be passed in the next parliament.

32.because of the Legislation i could not employ a woman. women have made themselves unemployable. they have scored an own goal.

33.they think that any Legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.

34.he said the republicans' newest Legislation would clear the house, could clear the senate and then would be sent to obama for his signature.

35.it was permissible to take account of antecedent Legislation.

36.there are few precedents for this sort of retroactive Legislation.

37.Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in parliament and outside

38.the opposition says the Legislation was drafted with indecent haste.

39.the government rushed through Legislation aimed at mafia leaders

40.the Legislation has twice been rejected by the house of lords.