Hydrometeorological Sentence Examples | Use Hydrometeorological in a sentence

1.Hydrometeorological time series such as streamflow, precipitation and temperature are among the basic data used to study earth-related phenomena. evolutionary and disruptive changes in the environment caused by natural factors and human activities result in trends or jumps in Hydrometeorological time series.

2.Hydrometeorological element affects the algal forming directly or indirectly by means of changing the environmental factors in water, which can alter the subsistence of the alga.

3.briefing of Hydrometeorological comprehensive operation system for flood control and drought relief

4.discussion on medium-term Hydrometeorological forecasting in the three gorges reservoir area

5.introduction to international conference on the problems of Hydrometeorological security

6.relationship of elm growth and Hydrometeorological factors of horqin sandy land and climatic series reconstruction

7.auto-observing system for oceanographical stations can be used for automatic measurements and real-time transmission of Hydrometeorological elements, for automatic analysis and arrangement of row data of measurements, and for editing annual and monthly reports in terms of standards.

8.the deep study for this relations is going to be beneficial to the long-term and extra long-range Hydrometeorological forecast of china.

9.segmentation and prediction for Hydrometeorological time series help men understand natural factors or human-induced changes in human living environment.

10.the applicability of model a in chinese sea areas has been studied by using the modified refractivity profiles and Hydrometeorological data measured in the experiments during recent years.

11.real-time variational assimilation of hydrologic and Hydrometeorological data into operational hydrologic forecasting.

12.the Hydrometeorological method is that the factors closely related with forecasting object are selected at first, afterwards the forecasting and forecasting integration models are established.

13.the emerging intelligent computing techniques have shown their power in computational efficiency, and have been widely applied in segmentation and prediction of Hydrometeorological time series.

14.it is shown that the model has strong capacity for forecasting the heavy rain and is suitable for Hydrometeorological forecast.

15.marine Hydrometeorological research vessel

16.the changing characteristics of Hydrometeorological elements such as precipitation, runoff, and so on were discussed and it is the foundation of the water cycle model establishment.

17.due to the importance in research and practice, segmentation and prediction of Hydrometeorological records such as streamflow, precipitation and temperature have been received extensive attention.

18.through the analysis of climatic and Hydrometeorological factors of the area under study, the factors most closely related with monthly discharge are selected and used as forecasting factors.

19.no, says mike sowko, a meteorologist with the Hydrometeorological prediction center.

20.Hydrometeorological forecast for tgp's main river closure

21.an auto Hydrometeorological buoy system deployed in qinghai lake

22.pla makes headway towards integrated and it-based Hydrometeorological support

23.a set of software for Hydrometeorological data consulting and graph displaying

24.its information must possess the three essential condition: geologic factor, topographical factor and Hydrometeorological factor.

25.introduction to the standard of Hydrometeorological exchange format, usa

26.marine Hydrometeorological observation is quite important to ocean development and disasters prevention.

27.by using sea Hydrometeorological data and sea surface radiation data obtained from observation during october-november 1987 in the western pacific sensible heat fluxes, latent heat fluxes, surface heat balance were calculated.

28.considering the Hydrometeorological, geological and environmental factors, it shows the overall project planning studies.

29.the effect el nino events on the Hydrometeorological factors in the offshore area of northern zhejiang

30.a set of software for Hydrometeorological data consulting and graph displaying is introduced.

31.in this paper, the application of a sequential learning radial basis function is presented for accurate real-time prediction of Hydrometeorological time series.

32.hydropower station pivotal project is a complicated system one. based on engineering geology, Hydrometeorological characteristics, construction diversion and other control factors, the design fully combined the functions and characteristics of each main structure to carry out the general layout of the hydropower complex.

33.thirdly, noticed that the structures of the commonly implemented neural networks for the prediction of Hydrometeorological time series are static, while the static neural network cannot represent the changes of system dynamics efficiently.