Honeydew Sentence Examples | Use Honeydew in a sentence

1.Honeydew honey is only produced in a few parts of the world and is considered a delicacy in certain regions.

2.effect of boron and zinc on development and Honeydew excretion of aphis gossypii glower

3.you've enjoyed watermelon and Honeydew melon for their sweet, succulent tastes.

4.when it returns, a nurse ant which has been busy indoors all day is sure to ask for Honeydew.

5.study and observation on mechanism of Honeydew from elm

6.mass screening test and Honeydew measurement are quick, easy and correct evaluation methods for resistance to rice planthoppers.

7.crop coefficients and water use of watermelons and Honeydew melons in saline water drop irrigation

8.studies on the relationship between each direction mechanical characteristics and quality characteristics of thick-skinned Honeydew melon

9.it offers pineapple and Honeydew melon aroma, feels like the sweetness of honey.

10.the sweet aroma of Honeydew melon. bright, airy and green.

11.the name of this japanese, Honeydew-flavored liqueur literally means " green" .

12.the Honeydew melons are particularly nice: they come in boxes clad in some sort of silky paper and their smell is gorgeous.

13.those aphids secrete some sticky, sugary liquid called Honeydew, and this just globs the upper parts of the plant.

14.cut Honeydew into a lotus shape. cut all other ingredients into small pieces.

15.hetao hami china plain is one of the main producing areas, the loop authentic color of Honeydew melon, sweet taste, much loved at home and abroad customers.

16.this is some good Honeydew.

17.watermelon, Honeydew melon, and stone fruits such as peaches and plums contain lots of water for hydration as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy.

18.the cow bug seems to enjoy this, and presently a tiny drop of Honeydew milk appears.

19.however, the Honeydew of bph on the plants with high nitrogen regime significantly decreased the predatory capacity of c.lividipennis on bph eggs.

20.study on designing the supply chain management mode and operating mechanisms of Honeydew melon for minqin county

21.the researchers also report that spanish Honeydew honeys tend to be darker and more acidic than cloer arieties.

22.i saw big melons called Honeydew at a supermarket, what's that?

23.good sources of vitamin c include citrus fruits and juices; brussels sprouts, cauliflower, snow peas, red and green peppers broccoli, white and sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, Honeydew melon and cantaloupe.

24.the natural sweet substance made by sufficient brewing after combination of nectar or Honeydew collected from plants by bees with their own secretion.

25.examples include cantaloupe, Honeydew, and casaba.

26.the ant laps it up and goes to the next cow bug for more. the one which has the Honeydew brings up a drop from its public stomach and passes it into the nurse ant's mouth.

27.heavy infestations of aphids result in the secretion of Honeydew from their bodies.

28.oh, and some lychees or Honeydew melon to finish with.

29.fresh fruit of pineapple, kiwi, Honeydew, papaya and watermelon assorted, with spicy yogurt seasoning.

30.the process of transforming, dehydrating, storing till maturing inside the comb of nectar, secretion of plant or Honeydew combined with secretion of bees.

31.the finished wine display spice laced chardonnay fruit aromas of Honeydew, figs and nectarine with butterscotch and a long creamy finish.

32.olive oil in the international arena there is "liquid gold"," beauty of the oil"," mediterranean Honeydew" and reputation.

33.yet the kaka, a forest-dwelling parrot in new zealand, is competing with ( and losing to) introduced wasps for Honeydew and nesting holes.

34.study on the anisotropic mechanical properties of pachydermia Honeydew melon

35.so they handed him out acorn - cupfuls of Honeydew through the window , and he was not at all offended .

36.ants in the midst of a herd of aphids. the ants keep sucking at them to obtain their Honeydew-milking, you might call it.

37.scoop nonfat cottage cheese into a cantaloupe or Honeydew half, and top with a dash of cinnamon.