Hieroglyph Sentence Examples | Use Hieroglyph in a sentence

1.the system started by giving each word a symbol, called Hieroglyph .

2.i was shocked to discover that the letter "a" had developed over the millenia from an egyptian Hieroglyph (picture symbol) for an ox head.

3.this article summarizes four kinds of graph-icon relations which are Hieroglyph dominant type, icon dominant type, intertextuality between Hieroglyph and icon type and a complex structure type.

4.these stories, collected in a book entitled Hieroglyph, were just released two weeks before.

5.as a Hieroglyph this symbol represents the unification of upper and lower egypt.

6.'the oldest and simplest form of the name' of osiris, we are told, is a Hieroglyph of a throne and an eye.

7.learning from etymology, "law" in Hieroglyph has different meaning and in a certain extent it reflects the profound connotation of the ancient egypt.

8.each picture, or Hieroglyph, represents either an idea or a sound.

9.based on the operation situation, the system includes design, production, sale, purvey, storage, financial affairs, spare part, quality management, personnel, labor and capital, Hieroglyph file, oa, synthetical query, etc.

10.pierre knew very well what a Hieroglyph was, but he did not venture to say so.

11.in the late period, the Hieroglyph of the bird was used to represent this deity directly.

12.in dongba paper workshop, a minority person is showing writing Hieroglyph. lijiang, yunnan, prc.

13.i was shocked to discover that the letter "a" had developed over the millenia from an egyptian Hieroglyph ( picture symbol) for an ox head.

14.initially the patterns i used were Hieroglyph like symbols.

15.as a kind of ideogram based on Hieroglyph still in wide use today, chinese characters are known as the greatest and the most successful design in human history. chinese characters are the only existing ideogram in the world today.

16.ed finn, director of project Hieroglyph, wrote in the slate online magazine: we are in desperate need of this sort of long view in contemporary culture, where we can barely see beyond the next apple press conference.

17.the painting doors and windows, he replaced with chinese characters, the characters that function as a Hieroglyph and charisma.

18.clemmons found a strange Hieroglyph on the wall of an egyptian monument.

19.bones and shells inscriptions is based on pictures, but has been out of the stage of sole picture, developing into Hieroglyph.

20.it is known as the "unique living Hieroglyph " . the woolen tippet used by naxi women is embroidered with sun, moon, and seven-stars.

21.and what about "b"? well, according to the encyclopedia it first started out as an egyptian Hieroglyph for" house"( wikipedia says it's a "floor plan" of a house).