Guardsman Sentence Examples | Use Guardsman in a sentence

1.some quite literally: in2001, a30-year-old national Guardsman from cuyahoga falls, ohio, legally changed his name to optimus prime.

2.thanks to his dress of a national Guardsman, he had made his way without difficulty.

3.a rigid strip of metal; a table made of rigid plastic; a palace Guardsman stiff as a poker. an unthinkable display of treachery, it was a royal Guardsman who was partially responsible for his demise. theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot. a national Guardsman delivering u. s. mail during a postal strike, he secretly gathered information for a times story. sherlock, cumberbatch has convincingly posed as a french waiter, a Guardsman, a hoodie-clad heroin addict, and a pakistani terrorist.

8.the child was dressed as a national Guardsman, owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence. are asking my Guardsman not to empty the magazine of his weapon into the compound wall from which he is being shot at.

10.another spread out over his coat the cross-belt and cartridge-box of a national Guardsman, the cover of the cartridge-box being ornamented with this inscription in red worsted: public order.

11.Guardsman lee williams, 18, is one of the desert rats' royal scots dragoon guards battle group.

12.Guardsman williams, accepted that his footwear problems would not prevent him fighting effectively, but said that he was disappointed that he was having to wear iraqi boots.

13.before the bayonet had touched gavroche, the gun slipped from the soldier's grasp, a bullet had struck the municipal Guardsman in the centre of the forehead, and he fell over on his back.

14.a national Guardsman who had taken aim at enjolras, lowered his gun, saying: "it seems to me that i am about to shoot a flower."

15.Guardsman lee williams, 18, is one of the desert rats 'royal scots dragoon guards battle group.

16.under the complaisant eye of mr ahmadinejad, a former Guardsman, it has won a big, even dominant, place in the economy.

17.prince william also took part in some blind archery, under the instruction of former welsh Guardsman, clive jones.