Fished Sentence Examples | Use Fished in a sentence

1.he fell into the lake and was Fished out ten minutes later.

2.this stream has been over Fished.

3.they Fished all day in fishing season and saw flying fish.

4.during the decline of the stock market, some people Fished in troubled waters and made big money.

5.i Fished in the pond.

6.i Fished in coastal waters.

7.he Fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre.

8.first time i ever Fished!

9.the rest of the time they Fished or swam.

10.the proof was Fished up from some old papers.

11.i Fished them out both with the driver.

12.they Fished up the sunken ammunition.

13.he Fished one big fish, tied up the fish head to the upper part of the body side of the boat above.

14.instead of catching fish, all that he Fished out was an old boot.

15.walker Fished the official documents out of the internet after executing a precision search known as a google hack.

16.he Fished for a coin in his pocket.

17.the children have Fished the fish?

18.finally yancey pulled out his wallet and Fished out a business card. he handed it to peterson.

19.for the last 20 years, ibu bonah has Fished trash out of the river from her perch beneath a busy intersection.

20.i got out of yale, i acted in new york for a year and then i commercial-Fished and paid for stanford business school.

21.we wore wool and silk, ate mcdonald's burgers, and Fished.

22.his boy fell in the water, they Fished him out.

23.she Fished out a pair of david's socks for her cold feet.

24.he Fished out a cigarette and lit up.

25.he Fished out a pair of shoes from under the bed.

26.myth's river-where his mother dipped him, Fished him, a slippery golden boy flow ed on, his name on its lips.

27.she Fished out a bunch of keys from her handbag.

28.they Fished up a dead dog from the pond.

29.i was seven years old when ernest Fished with us.

30.i did not think of them much at the time, but there came a day in my life when the ring was Fished up out of the well, good as new.

31.kelly Fished out another beer from his cooler she Fished her car keys out of her purse, the boy, hearing the familiar jingling, paused in mid-splash and looked up.

33.the gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be Fished out.

34.i Fished in the mississippi.

35.the boys set the wood on fire. he Fished out a cigarette and lit up.

36.they Fished the boat out of the water.

37.on saturday we Fished the river arno.

38.the stream is completely Fished out.

39.with that, he Fished a cellphone out of his shirt pocket and summoned his housekeeper, before veering toward lighter topics.

40.i began to fish before memory began, so as far as i know i have always Fished.