Financial Sentence Examples | Use Financial in a sentence

1.flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for Financial scandals

2.these economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of Financial markets

3.the government promised to implement a new system to control Financial loan institutions

4.kazakhstan was flying high until it was one of the first countries to be hit by the global Financial crisis.

5.moral as well as Financial support was what the west should provide.

6.banks had increased scope to develop new Financial products.

7.competition in the Financial marketplace has eroded profits

8.companies are so busy analysing the Financial implications that they overlook the effect on workers

9.lower awareness on tb and Financial problem were the main causes why symptomatic had not present clinical consultation.

10.the company is dependent on government Financial help. are currently in a muddle where Financial and emotional concerns are tangled together.

12.the company is in Financial difficulties.

13.this presents a problem for many Financial consumers 1987, garcia introduced legislation to nationalize peru's banking and Financial systems

15.the Financial markets have given the thumbs up to the new policy barnett said he did not yet have specifics on the amount of Financial loss suffered by consumers.

17.a lack of prudence may lead to Financial problems. a news release, the company said it had experienced severe Financial problems.

19.i have not entered into any Financial agreements with them

20.danah boyd from berkely & harvard is, as the Financial times referred to her, "the high priestess of social networking" .

21.the government started to denationalize Financial institutions

22.if this is not stopped, the Financial crisis will deepen

23.but officials at south korea's Financial supervisory commission said they did not expect any decision to be made by then.

24.the business, founded by dawn and nigel, suffered Financial setbacks.

25.the president said the public dislikes the idea of helping the Financial sector, only to see the hole get bigger because of lavish spending.

26.a business can only be built and expanded on a sound Financial base's not just a Financial matter

28.Financial regulation does not seem to be extending much beyond populist pseudo-measures on tax havens.

29.we are not in this to reap immense Financial rewards.

30.both calls focused on Financial projections, company valuations and an analysis of the deal put together by the company and its advisers.

31.times of national turmoil generally roil a country's Financial markets.

32.the Financial markets are taking a jaundiced view of the government's motives

33.american economists have made important contributions to the field of Financial and corporate economics

34.loss of confidence could trigger a run on citibank that would threaten the entire Financial system.

35.our Financial situation had become precarious.

36.for much of this decade, they have been celebrated as a means of spreading risk around the Financial system.

37.the country has no access to foreign loans or Financial aid

38.we're trying to establish linkages between these groups and Financial institutions.

39.this Financial crisis had a much greater impact on main street.

40.hence, the Financial world soon worked out that this was largely a symbolic move meant for an audience of politicians, not investors.