Fin Sentence Examples | Use Fin in a sentence

1.with it, a hull, Fin keel and a rudder, as the three surfaces can be designed.

2.large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal Fin.

3.people in california can no longer eat the chinese delicacy of shark Fin soup.

4.shandong weifang the nickname "running shoes" hard Fin fish and figure kite. the tide turning against shark's Fin soup?

6.the yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail Fin.

7.the effects of different machining parameters and structure parameters to Fin height and groove depth are analyzed.

8.fanny fish has a big Fin.

9.the basic structure and working principle of biomimetic fish Fin is briefly introduced.

10.he is the first to spy the triangle Fin of a shark come towards us.

11.predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal Fin; common in cold seas.

12.empennage-install stabilizer and vertical Fin.

13.the Fin dimensions normal and parallel to the water flow are called span and chord, respectively.

14.i was surprised to see advertisements for shark Fin in local airline magazines and in newspapers.

15.but there are some chinese who feel california's ban on shark Fin is unfair and discriminatory.

16.research and design of robot fish tail Fin propulsion system

17.buck admitted being pulled along by the dolphin by grabbing hold of its dorsal Fin and jukes said he had stroked its belly. a child growing up in the jungle-soaked malaysian state of sarawak, lai fui Fin dreamed of a life among the rich and famous.

19.still need to carve the ailerons, intakes and Fin base.

20.the test platform will be an important platform used to studying the mechanism and control of the long flexible Fin undulatory propulsion.

21.pressing process of heat exchange plate or Fin she renewed the collar of my shirt.

22.its dorsal Fin was in front of me. i was screaming for help. tcp, it's possible for a peer to close its end of a socket (resulting in a Fin packet being sent) but then to continue to receive data.

24."we don't really care, our friends don't care, and shark Fin has no nutritional value anyway, " she said.

25.would you, ultimately, fib about how much you spend on abalone and shark's Fin? he speeded up as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal Fin cut the water.

27.i've also carved one aileron and the Fin fairing

28.Fin is tall and back-tapered with a blunt tip and fairing in the leading edge.

29.after an hour or two, a triangular Fin sliced the surface of the water and circled the group.

30.the tail flats feature swept-back tips forward of the swept-back and tapered Fin with a blunt tip. fish of s california and mexico having a yellow tail Fin.

32.a model on the heat transfer of a Fin tube radiator aircraft under micro gravity is established.

33.likewise, the animal's tail Fin and flipperlike hind limbs suggest an aquatic lifestyle.

34.Fin whale has become a periscope?'s a deep-seated thing. they used to say that if there is no shark-Fin soup, the bride is marrying into a poor family.

36.a frond of Fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's Fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time" . combines the advantages of the bionic Fin ray structure with state-of-the-art automation technology from festo.

38.we know this because we can distinguish the male by their large dorsal Fin.