Fimbriate Sentence Examples | Use Fimbriate in a sentence

1.seeds several, pale brown when dry, ovoid, ca. 5 mm, enveloped by a thin, fleshy, partly Fimbriate, pale yellowish aril.

2.calyx lobes not scaly outside, margins Fimbriate-lepidote; corolla hypocrateriform.

3.Fimbriate with a fringed margin; a margin with filaments, e. g. margin of sucking disk of lampreys (petromyzontiformes).

4.appendage white, suborbicular, cartilaginous, centrally spinose, margin Fimbriate.

5.bracteoles nearly opposite, linear or narrowly lanceolate, sparsely glandular-Fimbriate along lower margin, apex acuminate.

6.apex of calyx lobes truncate and with a membranous disk, disk margin Fimbriate.

7.staminodes petal-like, margins Fimbriate, rarely dentate or entire, apex usually long awned.

8.lobes often spreading, sometimes incurved, sometimes Fimbriate at margin.

9.plant taller, with thinner culms. culm sheath ligule much shorter, not Fimbriate; leaves smaller.

10.scales at lower parts of tube, not reaching middle of tube, oval or ovate, entire or 2-cleft, short Fimbriate, sometimes degenerate.

11.petal margin entire or shortly Fimbriate and erose proximally.