Fimbriae Sentence Examples | Use Fimbriae in a sentence

1.comparative research of three different methods of extraction of etec f18 Fimbriae from pigs

2.the molecular weight of their subunit were determined by sds-page. they are the same as those of the corresponding Fimbriae antigens from wild strains.

3.the fimbria is a good antigen and antibodies can be produced by immunization using Fimbriae.

4.the characteristics and classification of avian pathogenic escherichia coli ( apec) Fimbriae, function and control of its subunit structural gene, and the homology between avian and other animal origins, were summarized in this thesis.

5.immune effect of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli Fimbriae vaccines on chickens

6.immunological characteristics of the recombinant Fimbriae were demonstrated by double immunodiffusion test and western blot assay.

7.adhesive inhibition of etec to piglets intestinal epithelial cells by egg-yolk antibodies against etec Fimbriae in vitro

8.diarrhoea of neonatal and post-weaning piglets strongly related with the Fimbriae mediated adhesion and toxins producing ability of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli ( etec).

9.the ciliated cells and non-ciliated cells were found to be not evenly distributed. numerous ciliated cells were located in the middle and upper part of ampulla, infundibulum and Fimbriae tubae, while non-ciliated were mainly located in the other parts, such as uterus.

10.colonization factor antigens ( cfas) are important toxic and protective antigens of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli ( etec). among the known cfas, cs3 is a major Fimbriae antigen.

11.the study of the k_ ( 88) Fimbriae of escherichia coli guizhou strain isolated from diarrhoea piglets

12.conclusion: type ⅱ Fimbriae of actinomyces viscosus had adherence and aggregation properties.

13.rabbit antiserum raised against the purified protein reacted with Fimbriae on the surface of bacteria under immunogold staining.

14.identification of f18~+ etec isolates, extraction of their Fimbriae proteins and preliminary verification of their biological activity

15.the major virulence factors that have been implicated in the disease are type iv Fimbriae and extracellular proteases.

16.the results suggested that subunit of type ⅰ Fimbriae contained rich hydrophobic unit and had stronger adhensive capability.

17.nectaries 2 per corolla lobe, cupular, with a narrow scale and few long Fimbriae.

18.Fimbriae of a fallopian tube, coloured scanning electron micrograph (sem)

19.the study of anti-Fimbriae of type 1 from avian e.coli and the fusion expression of the pila gene and the immunogenic study of the recombinant Fimbriae proteins

20.a study on biological properties of Fimbriae of actinomyces viscosus ⅱ. chemical

21.cloning and sequencing of f18 Fimbriae subunit a gene ( feda) of escherichia coli

22.establishment of an indirect elisa for detecting antibody against Fimbriae of escherichia coli of chick origin

23.mechanisms in the pathogenesis of piglets diarrhea caused by etec is that etec attach to the small intestine by means of the adhesive Fimbriae and replicate and elaborate enterotoxin that interfere the biochemistry of small intestine cell.

24.development of the multivalent pili oil-emulsion vaccine of escherichia coli Fimbriae adherence factor

25.the expression and significance of tgf-β_1 and its receptors in infertile women's Fimbriae tubes with adhesions and atresias

26.enterotoxigenic escherichia coli ( etec) is one of the most prevalent pathogens responsible for piglet diarrhea. the pathogenicity of etec depends on the co-effect of Fimbriae and enterotoxins.

27.a study of adherence and aggregation properties of type ⅱ Fimbriae of actinomyces viscosus

28.cloning and expression of the subunit fasg of 987p Fimbriae of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli ( etec) and prediction of its epitopes

29.type ⅰ Fimbriae of salmonella typhimurium affects the immune response to both the bacteria and co-expressed gfp in mice on oil adjuvant vaccine of Fimbriae of escherichia coli

31.pure Fimbriae can elicit protective immune responses.

32.q& a on sex immune effect of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli Fimbriae vaccines on chickens

33.streptococcus intermedius 1208-1 carried linear fiber-like Fimbriae that extended radially from the cell surface.

34.marginal or intramarginal glands black, irregular, often between glandular cilia or Fimbriae.

35.the virulence of salmonella is determined by flagella, Fimbriae, and salmonella pathogenicity islands ( spi) genes. the video, the Fimbriae can be seen sweeping in time with the patient's heartbeat.