Dwindling Sentence Examples | Use Dwindling in a sentence

1.my own response to a longer life and Dwindling wealth is simple.

2.in science and technology lies the answer to the problems of Dwindling resources.

3.with Dwindling revenue and diminished resources, frustrated newspaper executives are looking for someone to blame.

4.yet the supply of other safe assets has been Dwindling.

5.are fish stocks Dwindling?

6.red talons guard the Dwindling wolf packs across the world.

7.hunting aside, the number of frogs already were Dwindling in montserrat because of the active volcano.

8.they discussed the effect of Dwindling wetlands on ducks and geese.

9.shark was often prayed to if there were Dwindling supplies of fish to feed the populace.

10.and the Dwindling capital becomes smaller and smaller until it no longer supplies even our basic needs.

11.support for a compromise, or at least for the fudge embodied by the continuing resolutions, is Dwindling.

12.exports are Dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling

13.several countries in sub-saharan africa are beset by Dwindling revenues and rising debts.

14.corporate donations from the city are Dwindling, and falling property prices mean the value of legacies is diminishing.

15.only a Dwindling minority are prepared to do this, and then only if china eventually agrees to similar legally binding emissions targets.

16.they are also adapting to an environment of more regulation, less risk, and Dwindling profits.

17.japanese newspapers have a large readership but are facing Dwindling advertising revenues and falling circulation.

18.the chancellor of the exchequer groaned about our Dwindling dollar resources.

19.they think food and energy prices can only rise for so long in a weak economy before Dwindling demand for stuff cuts off the rise in prices.

20.with oil production in decline, the funds with which government could create a system in which power stations and refineries function, businesses thrive and services are delivered, are in Dwindling supply.

21.thousands of civilians are trapped, with Dwindling supplies of clean water and food. hundreds are alleged to have been killed or maimed.

22.this has led some successful authors to worry about Dwindling profits.

23.the european union sets annual quotas in an effort to protect and revive Dwindling fish stocks.

24.the Dwindling number of supplier nations could encourage the formation of an opec of gas.

25.gbagbo's popular support may be Dwindling as he cracks down on the population in his bid to cling to power.

26.he is struggling to come to terms with his Dwindling authority.

27.and the wall street journal said, the company is taking the advantage of google's Dwindling business in china to enlarge its shares.

28.Dwindling water supplies and drought comes just as china's wealth is increasing demand for more water.

29.around the world, Dwindling water supplies and deteriorating water quality are driving innovations in water treatment technologies.

30.the number of wild animals on the earth is Dwindling.

31.but the half-life of market domination seems to be Dwindling.

32.and it is all the direct result of the g8's Dwindling importance in the global economy.

33.high oil prices and Dwindling resources have put a rocket under the price of equipment and services providers and triggered a wave of consolidation.

34.the number of people who live on the island is rapidly Dwindling.

35.japan has a growing stockpile of unsold whale meat, which is Dwindling in popularity among younger consumers.

36.it offers an alternative to the Dwindling supplies of natural gas.

37.as the international financial crisis is still unfolding, resources for international development cooperation are Dwindling.

38.being led to believe that old age is a nothing but a burden to others does not make the "Dwindling" period any easier.

39.without rain, the land began to turn to the desert that we know today, leaving people and animals to seek ever-Dwindling sources of water.

40.polar bears are in danger, numbers Dwindling in the arctic because of melting ice.