Disproving Sentence Examples | Use Disproving in a sentence

1.we have no way of proving or Disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research.

2.there was, of course, no way of proving or Disproving einstein's equation-until rutherford showed how to split the atom.

3.by Disproving those new laws, the old view of history might have been retained.

4.even high school students have gotten in on the action of Disproving this myth.

5.there was, of course, no way of proving or Disproving einstein's equation- until rutherford showed how to split the atom.

6.above all, he will have to work much harder at Disproving nixon's "dumb" jibe if he is to beat hillary clinton.

7.fortunately, i happen to be rebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of Disproving assumptions made about me.

8.this is thought to indicate that there is no grand mathematical system capable of proving or Disproving all statements.

9.they gain in the classroom from progressive thinking, the proving and Disproving of ideas and theories, the widening body of knowledge.

10.Disproving evolution thus proves creationism. the judge in mclean v.

11.i don't want to waste time Disproving the statement in your email because they are from subjective and even evil-minded presupposition.

12.taiwan's open political system is sweeter still for Disproving the myth that chinese culture is incompatible with democracy.

13.but without Disproving them, it would seem impossible to continue studying historical events, merely as the arbitrary product of the free will of individual men.

14.so Disproving it's her pancreas proves it's her brain?

15.instead of "Disproving" every other answer, want to provide your own?

16.linkedin was always the exception Disproving the rule, the star pupil in a less-than-impressive class.

17.two eyes are better than one, especially when it comes to visualising dark matter and Disproving certain tenets of the theory of relativity.

18.abbott lazzaro spallanzani ( 1729-1799) disagreed, and set about Disproving needham and buffon's results.

19.and i think what's so wonderful about the arab spring is that it's Disproving that assumption.

20.still, conclusively Disproving the link between cell phones and brain cancer will only come with another decade or two in which phone use plateaus while tumor rates continue to be flat or down.

21.despite suspicions about many chinese reverse mergers, however, us regulators and investors are severely hampered in terms of proving or Disproving fraud because beijing does not allow them to carry out investigations in china.

22.notice that there is no way of Disproving this statement.