Disproportionate Sentence Examples | Use Disproportionate in a sentence

1.the idea seems to be that rich countries should bear a Disproportionate cost of protective actions that benefit all.

2.we believe that the20 second penalty imposed on michael to be Disproportionate in the circumstances.

3.they suddenly found out that they had spend a Disproportionate amount of their money on clothing.

4.indigenous peoples still experience racism, poor health and Disproportionate poverty.

5.she had given me a gift Disproportionate to anything that i had ever donated.

6.this relationship has given the us company Disproportionate influence on foxconn's operations.

7.these are definitely not equally spaced, be even more Disproportionate but they should than i have shown it.

8.yet even in the face of this historically Disproportionate aggression, countries around the world have offered support and asylum.

9.a and b have Disproportionate sizes in the figure to emphasize that the applications need not be identical.

10.my workload is already Disproportionate to my salary.

11.col kemp said the numbers involved were "Disproportionate" and questioned why the potentially life-saving hardware was not at the frontline.

12.there are a Disproportionate number of men compared to women in the legal profession.

13.an instance of a Disproportionate relation. a is out of proportion to b.

14.a Disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic

15.and such cooperation should ensure that no region bears a Disproportionate burden of adjustment.

16.it might also be expected that new members would be behind a Disproportionate number of these blocked dossiers .

17.this gave the industry Disproportionate power in shaping the political agenda.

18.some cdm decisions have had a Disproportionate negative impact on least developed countries.

19.the seller may refuse to provide the kind of cure chosen by the buyer if this cure is possible only at Disproportionate expense.

20.the two nations account for a huge chunk of the u. s. defense budget, and a Disproportionate amount of diplomatic attention and resources.

21.they also risk skewing healthcare priorities and consuming Disproportionate resources relative to the benefits and alternatives.

22.that means changes in residential investment have a Disproportionate impact on rates of gdp growth.

23."his punishment seems to be Disproportionate to his crime, " mr nakano says.

24.'the world has had a tendency to focus a Disproportionate amount of attention on me, ' mr. gates said at the time of the announcement.

25."i don't think this problem is going to go away as long as you have this Disproportionate system of rewards, " he said.

26.this sentence is totally Disproportionate to the alleged offence.

27.wealth management in asia is also a Disproportionate growth driver for some global investment banks.

28.there is something dangerous and Disproportionate in its place in human nature, for whatever reason.

29.we all have those few customers, clients and friends that cause a Disproportionate amount of our stress.

30.as a consequence, job losses were Disproportionate to the decline in output.

31.we spend a Disproportionate amount of our income on rent.

32.but gas has a Disproportionate dynamical role.

33.this limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in Disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings.

34.a vastly Disproportionate burden falls on women for child care

35.so there's an apparent Disproportionate amount of hiv/ aids there, and it's very severe.

36.you may find that you have a Disproportionate number of clicks compared to your open rates.

37.but the increase in obesity has had a Disproportionate impact on americans'health and longevity.

38.in addition, savers should not pay a Disproportionate share of the cost of this recession.

39.it's easy to argue about Disproportionate workloads or earnings, and financial stress can add to the anger or resentment.