Copulating Sentence Examples | Use Copulating in a sentence

1.since he cannot be sure of paternity, the best he can do is prevent his mate from Copulating with any other males.

2.if you guys are finished verbally Copulating, we should get a move on.

3.on war time, death erection made an excellent war trophy, a method of humiliating the enemy by displaying their posthumous Copulating organ.

4.i love herds . . . all these blokes and all these girls meeting at the watering hole and then just . . . Copulating .

5.these included "lizards in their skin, birds with beaks and eyes, spiders with their webs, and frogs Copulating. "

6.two unpregnant reasons of bitches after Copulating many times

7.when the mature stallion without Copulating smelled a mare, he will set a hot pursuit.

8.the male bird performs a sort of mating dance before Copulating with the female

9.a female bee , wasp , or other insect that produces fertile eggs without Copulating .

10.when the americans say they are fighting for peace, it always sounds to me like st. jerome saying that Copulating is for producing virgins.

11.a foreigner saw this and laughed at it that how a pair of homosexual Copulating monkeys would encourage customers to purchase a keyboard?