Combine Sentence Examples | Use Combine in a sentence
1.we artists should Combine healthy political content with finished artistic forms.
2.for this article, we Combine the colinux and openmosix patch for the2.4.26 linux kernel.
3.to Combine two or more sets of items into one set of any form.
4.he will Combine the two jobs over the next three years.
5.how to cooperate between buyer and planner, this was one of the reason buying & planning Combine together.
6.we think it's necessary to Combine theory with practice.
7.it's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just Combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists.
8.the solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to Combine and annihilate.
9.to fix a violation of this rule, try to Combine namespaces that contain a small number of types into a single namespace.
10.let us Combine our two firms against our competitors.
11.properties Combine aspects of both fields and methods.
12.to prevent this happening, mr feng decided to Combine his hands-on management style with some elements of western business culture.
13.atoms of iron in the nail Combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.
14.Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish
15.this article examines these approaches, and discusses how you can Combine them into an effective solution.
16.if he can Combine his ability with hard work, he should be very successful.
17.under astigmatism even narrow parallel light beams will not Combine into one point.
18.Combine the beans, chopped mint and olive oil in a large bowl
19.relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation Combine to kill thousands
20.if improved education is Combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved
21.after selecting the raw materials for a particular geographical area, the next step is to Combine them into a commercial glass.
22.i am partial to desserts that Combine fresh fruit with fine pastry.
23.a somnambulist can happily Combine sleep and exercise.
24.it's important to Combine theory with practice.
25.we Combine years of relevant experience with a deep understanding of your needs for workwear, linen and floorcare.
26.it is possible to Combine a career with being a mother
27.a stagnant economy Combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the us.
28.migrations Combine power and simplicity to coordinate both schema changes and data changes using a wrapping approach.
29.carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats
30.different states or groups can Combine to enlarge their markets.
31.Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste
32.i had been looking for ways to Combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.
33.we exactly Combine the user "s short-term and long-term interests, trying to accurately reflect the use" s present interest.
34.her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, Combined with a sly humour.
35.the church has something to say on how to Combine freedom with responsibility
36.their system seems to Combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.
37.in this sense he seems to Combine the affable nature of rijkaard and the teutonic steel of schuster.
38.the ideal approach would be to Combine the two techniques within the soap framework, but normal document models aren't set up to allow this.
39.when two or more elements Combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place.
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