Classicism Sentence Examples | Use Classicism in a sentence

1.a rebirth of Classicism in architecture. design of the theme pavilion of expo 2010 shanghai china

2.the second point is how Classicism and romanticism calligraphy ideological trend to fuse perfectly together to support the latter ming dynasty calligraphy after natural antagonism.

3.ingres and delacroix were two famous exponents of Classicism. a contemporary artist, all should realize the level and soul with the most active vitality from the traditional spirit in the Classicism.

5.he follows the Classicism principle, using "heroic couplets" while writing and becomes a master of it. a consequence, Classicism in painting was quickly taken the place of by romanticism.

7.deep integration of Classicism and romanticism music is the product of the golden age of dutch Classicism, the17 th century.

9.if rational ideas predominate, Classicism will be expressed;

10.much of what we think of as amsterdam is the product of the golden age of dutch Classicism, the17 th century. other words, there is such a thing as a "romantic movement, " and Classicism is only an aspect of it.

12.the novels have realized the unity between poetry and wisdom about art and have the characteristics of combining modernism with Classicism.

13.therefore, christianity was the strength in the core at the end of western european Classicism and early feudal period to rebuild its civilization. is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains Classicism throughout.

15.stravinsky's neo-Classicism culminated with his opera rake's progress, with the book done by the well known modernist poet, w.

16.arc de triomphe: largest triumphal arch in the world. a masterpiece of romantic Classicism, it is one of the best-known monuments of paris.

17.the rational enlightenment spirit in western Classicism painting

18.on the philosophical root-cause of the deterioration in relationship between patient and doctor-medical alienation neo-classical art held dear nature, Classicism and imitation.

19.mozart and his piano works are taken as the Classicism music model for its timbre crystal clear pure timbre and rigorous elegant key-touching.

20.this concert consists of many children's fairy tales which are selected from music lists not only of Classicism, romanticism, but also modernism. Classicism practical beautiful.

22.neo-classical art held dear nature, Classicism and imitation.

23.jerchavin was the really erst russian poet, whose poems transcend previous russian Classicism and reject the reality of life.

24.qi haifeng's painting style is influenced by several artistic trends, such as expressionism, symbolism, surrealism, Classicism and even pop art. movements - impressionism - informel art - mannerism - minimalism - neo-impressionism - neo-Classicism.

26.this grand is designed specially for advocates of Classicism.

27.Classicism was now practically extinct though romanticism lingered as a secondary trend until late century.

28.once a piece of writing bears the character of "grand cultural narrative", it is likely to be a" classic ". this grand is designed specially for advocates of Classicism.

29.a study on the western Classicism thought of chinese modern city planning

30.a rebirth of Classicism in architecture. bring about a great rejuvenation of the chinese nation

31.human nature changes contemporary design element to combine Classicism , make whole design is full of the care that modern sex changes. he probably knew the Classicism of artists like lorenzo costa and francesco francia, evidence of which can be found in his first works.

33.what any "neo"-Classicism depends on most fundamentally is a consensus about a body of work that has achieved canonic status.

34.i'll miss his gorgeous Classicism, his buried humor, his essential decency and his shy friendliness.

35.kant, unconsciously, had prejudice for Classicism instead of romanticism, which represents kant's real look. other words, there is such a thing as a "romantic movement," and Classicism is only an aspect of it.

37.while he made no substantial changes in musical form, he allowed himself complete freedom in method of treatment, successfully combining the romantic spirit with the discipline of Classicism.

38.his compose mixed the Classicism and romanticism together, became one of western music precious heritage in the 19th century. mr.