Avenge Sentence Examples | Use Avenge in a sentence
1.in a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, luke set out to hunt down lumiya and Avenge his wife's death.
2.i want to Avenge my younger brother.
3.winning, mao and his followers deemed, would be a fitting way for a vanquished empire to Avenge itself.
4.i must Avenge his honor.
5.i asked you to Avenge our son and you did.
6.why could you not Avenge your parents?
7."democracy will Avenge the death of my wife, and the thousands of other pakistanis and citizens of the world, " he said.
8.he vowed to Avenge martyrs.
9.he is propelled by both guilt and the need to Avenge his father.
10.he vowed to Avenge himself.
11.this thesis not going to make it a long. exactly what each human to kill each other? the word, and the lord Avenge for profit, times for.
12.want me to Avenge you?
13.when he grew up into a strong youth he was told of the secret of his birth. so he went to Avenge his father's wrongs .
14.jesus did not pray, father, Avenge me.
15.she had decided to Avenge herself and all the other women he had abused.
16.Avenge i have yet to Avenge his death.
17.the huns i knew would Avenge such an insult.
18.i need him to help Avenge my father.
19.the youngsters went into the contest with a double incentive; to Avenge last month's fa youth cup exit and close the gap on leaders everton.
20.he vowed to himself to Avenge his martyred comrade.
21.i shall Avenge every insult!
22.i'm going to posit that he's probably out to Avenge the murder of his wife.
23.Avenge me! said the ghost and therewith disappeared.
24.i have come here to Avenge my teacher.
25.now i Avenge myself upon those who have eaten up my substance and would destroy my home!
26.i'll bring all of them and Avenge you.
27.they vowed to Avenge the martyrs.
28.the very god you mock shall Avenge your treachery.
29.they swore to Avenge their lord's death.
30.i swear i will decidedly Avenge myself on him. it's only a matter of time.
31.he vowed to Avenge the insult.
32.god knows what my other sons had to do to Avenge this.
33.she promises not to Avenge the coup or to rush into pardoning and bringing home her brother.
34.persuaded her brother (orestes) to Avenge agamemnon 's death by helping her to kill clytemnestra and her lover.
35.the fox on her return, discovering what had happened, was less grieved for the death of her young than for her inability to Avenge them.
36.if you help me Avenge my sister's death.
37.his aim is to persuade people to rise against the conspirators in'rage'and'mutiny'and hence, Avenge caesar's death.
38.his goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you to Avenge. his glory and his name.
39.he gave me the strength to Avenge my family.
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