Anamorphosis Sentence Examples | Use Anamorphosis in a sentence

1.this documentary is about an artistic technique, Anamorphosis, which often used in the 16th and 17th centuries.

2.the results showed that the defection rate of embryo Anamorphosis was 2.3%.

3.this technique, known as Anamorphosis, is highly advanced, and suggests the painter was considering his audience as he painted the cow.

4.what does a simple, non-cylindrical Anamorphosis consist of?

5.kurt wenner is a master artist best known for his extremely high quality street painting and chalk murals using a projection called Anamorphosis.

6.they express three Anamorphosis from same direction, and they are also the system that i know this world.

7.the genesis and development of uterine cervix cancer is a procedure that become from quantitative change to qualitative alteration and from Anamorphosis to mutation.

8.analysed from a historical and cultural angle, the examination system is only an Anamorphosis of the traditional examination system for holding posts in ancient china, while the servant system is completely a new thing appearing in western countries in modern times.

9.the change of the Anamorphosis means the change of social culture status and social value.

10.main products consist of : round bead , cabochon , carvings , angle , Anamorphosis , chips and bead.

11.the evolution of the humanity includes some contradictions, such as, Anamorphosis and mutation, essence and appearance, evolution and alienation. any other Anamorphosis of language, the black people english is a symbol of an ethnical group and its social culture.

13.application and extension condition of Anamorphosis stability in non-linear system

14.the research progress and appliance scope of piezoelectric ceramic composite material and piezoelectric polymer, shape memory alloy and shape memory macromolecule polymer, light fibre materials and current Anamorphosis are also reviewed.

15.research on miniature bionic Anamorphosis robot

16.Anamorphosis of hammer, from patina and shape, it's in late ming and early qing dynasty. . . english, like all other Anamorphosis, is a symbol of the status and the social culture of a race.

18.results the pigment is proved to be hypocrellin a. the isolate was determined as the stable Anamorphosis strain 0258 of s. bambusicola.

19.there are two allotropes , yellow Anamorphosis is stable under 90 centigrade. stability form of antimony is metal Anamorphosis.